Friday, February 20, 2009

Mice S(ound)mell Funny

It has been forever since my last post and I apologize to all of my adoring fans. I know you have hungered for more snake talk.

Well, due to my recently snake neglect, my father in law took it upon himself to feed our lot of pets. To his chagrin, the price of rodents has recently gone up. It is definitely a sellers market out there.
So he decided to get 4 white mice, versus our usual purchase of African Soft Fur Rats. I don't know if you have ever noticed this, but mice have to hold some sort of record for size:smell ratio. They might even give the skunk a run for his money.

Luckily, we were able to give them all a good home... in the belly of the veracious Destiny's Child and Big Bertha! HAHAHahahahahahahaha HAAHAHAhahahhaha HAHAHhahah Bwwahaahhhahahahah...


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

well you're darn tootin' about us all hungering for more luscious yummy snake talk.

i'll be sure to contact everyone else and let them know about the joyous news of your return to the blogging world.


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

by the way...that picture makes me need to vomit. hilarious usual sweets.

love your lovely ball and chain

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you grew an ear on a mouse and then attached it to your head if it would stink? I think it would.

Steve's Bird Blog said...

Nice picture, that ear on it's back must bave been why Bertha had such a hard time getting it down. Thanks for talking me into feeding the mice to the snakes, the smell just isn't worth it.

ps Thanks for taking the pictures of the Pine Siskin sitting on my finger some of them turned out really nice and I posted a couple of them on my birdn blog