Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rocky's Last Bout

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rocky, the male pastel ball python.
He was never the cuddliest of snakes, so sadly we never became too attached to him. It was hard to see him deteriorate in such a short amount of time though.

I have to thank my Father-in-law, Steve, for taking him to the vet and giving him shots. It is such a shame that he wasn't able to recover.

We burried him in the back yard after paying our respects.
Rest in peace champ.


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

never will
i forget how he
would randomly
strike if someone
walked passed
his cage or
how he'd try
to escape...
he will be deeply

seriously though,
he was a good

catie p.

Anonymous said...

I glanced over the blog and I saw Father in Law but I read Heavenly Father and it just made me giggle.

"Thank you Heavenly Father for taking Rocky to the vet and giving him shots."

Also- Catie- Love Zuu Zuu's Petals. I now want to go home and watch George Bailey yell at ZuZu's school teacher over the phone. Sigh... George Bailey, I'll love you til the day I die.